Definition of "Irregular periods"

Last modified: over 3 years

Irregular periods (aka irregular menstruation, irregular cycles) is irregular/abnormal variation in length of menstrual cycles, but can also be used to refer to other conditions that mimic it.

Patient information

What are irregular periods?
So it's where there's are variations in the length of the menstrual cycle.


Variations in cycle length, between the shortest and longest cycle:

  • <8 days, is normal
  • 8-20 days, is moderate irregular
  • 21+ days is very irregular

Alternatively, a single menstruation period is irregular if it is <21 days, or >35 days. However, if it is regularly <21 days, it is polymenorrhea (aka frequent periods); or if regularly >35 days, is oligomenorrhea.

Patient information

So periods are supposed to be periodical, so around 28 days. What are irregular periods?
So remember the key So you're exactly correct. It's supposed to be 28 days, and we give leeway of +/- 1 week. So it's irregular if it's <21 days, or >35 days.

  • Metrorrhagia (vaginal bleeding between expected menstrual periods)
  • Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstruation, >35 days, thus only permitting 4-9 periods in a year)
  • Polymenorrhea (intervals <21 days)
  • Hx:
    • LMP
    • Last normal LMP
See also

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